BASE PRICE: $286,600
BASE PRICE: $297,600
BASE PRICE: $285,600
BASE PRICE: $280,400
BASE PRICE: $272,000

Fits 14m x25m lots
Ground floor | 163.08m2 | 17.55sq |
Garage | 36.25m2 | 3.90sq |
Porch | 5.8m2 | 0.62sq |
Alfresco | m2 | sq |
Total | 205.13m2 | 22.07sq |
The smart and compact design is perfect for a couple or growing family. A comfortable master bedroom, complete with walk-in-wardrobe and ensuite, along with three well proportioned separate bedrooms, makes this home a great choice. The central hallway flows down the length of the house leading to an open plan kitchen, dining and living area. Experience the practical features and style in this well-planned home.
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